About me

Photo: Sarah Sea

My name is Juli Gabor,

I am a dancer, movement educator and bodyworker.
I was born in Hungary, lived for 10 years in Denmark and now I am based in Vienna, Austria.

I am ever fascinated by us humans and the interconnections of our body-mind as well as the interconnections between humans. My life and work is a constant research of these connections.

What feels good? What brings joy? What relieves pain? What relieves tension? How do we communicate? How and what can we create together?
I am researching these questions through movement and touch.

Do you want to research with me? Join me for a single session or to my teachings.

To be more concrete I am:

Bachelor in Danish Psychomotor Theraphy

Certified Ilan Lev Method Practitioner

Certified Holistic Dance Pedagogue

Read about my Studies and work experiences in my Bio

You can find me online in the links below or just send me a message to say hi.